How to Get a Personal Loan For Bad Credit

Learn how to improve your chances and what to look out for to make informed financial decisions. Don't let your credit score hold you back.
How to Get Personal Loans For Bad Credit
J. Michaels
Author: J. Michaels
How to Get Personal Loans For Bad Credit

Are you struggling with a poor credit score and need to secure a personal loan? This is a common issue, especially considering that 37% of Americans have under a 700 credit score. 

Fortunately, our article provides step-by-step guidance on how to get personal loans despite your credit standing and tips on improving your financial situation. Ready to break free from the shackles of bad credit? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

Understanding Bad Credit Scores and its Impact

Bad credit can be defined as a low credit score or poor credit history, which can have a significant impact on your ability to get loans and other forms of credit.

What is considered bad credit

Bad Credit Score

Lousy credit typically refers to a person’s credit history when it shows that they have had trouble repaying borrowed money on time. This can be due to late payments, defaulted loans, or bankruptcy records.

These issues are then reflected in your credit score which is most commonly understood through the FICO scoring system. In this model, scores range from 300 to 850 with lower numbers indicating bad or ‘subprime’ credit and higher ones reflecting good or ‘prime’ standing.

Specifically, scores below 580 are usually regarded as bad credit within the financial industry because such individuals represent a higher risk to lenders primarily based on past fiscal behavior.

Please note: While “bad” depends on what lender you’re dealing with – some might accept scores from 550 upwards as passable for certain products – standard loan offers generally require a minimum of about 620-640 depending mainly on your income level and other factors.

However, knowing these figures doesn’t mean you should feel boxed in by them; future articles will elucidate ways one can elevate their rating thus bettering chances for successful borrowing applications while enhancing overall monetary health.

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How bad credit affects your ability to get loans

Bad credit significantly influences your ability to secure loans and can even potentially shut off avenues for borrowing. Lenders often shy away from offering loans to applicants with poor credit scores, perceiving them as high-risk borrowers.

This reluctance stems from a fear that you may not be able to meet the repayment terms of the loan due to past financial behaviors indicated by your low credit score.

Furthermore, if you do manage to find a lender willing to offer personal loans for bad credit, you will likely face unfavorable conditions such as higher interest rates or stricter loan terms.

People with bad credit tend to pay more for their loans because lenders try to offset the risk involved in lending money to individuals with problematic financial histories. Consequently, having a poor credit profile could mean paying hundreds or thousands of dollars more in interest over the lifespan of a loan compared to borrowers with good or excellent credit.

Types of Loans for People With Bad Credit

Types of Loans for People With Bad Credit

There are several types of personal loans that you can consider if you have bad credit, including car title loans, peer-to-peer lending, payday alternative loans, furniture loans for bad credit, and armed forces loans.

Car title loans

car title loans

Car title loans provide an option for individuals with bad credit to quickly access cash. Using your car as collateral, you can secure a short-term loan based on its value. Approval and disbursement of funds are often swift, easing urgent financial needs despite a poor credit history.

However, like any financial agreement, it requires careful thought and understanding before jumping in. The potential risk is losing your vehicle if the repayment terms aren’t met; hence, be sure to only borrow what you can comfortably repay.

Peer-to-peer lending

Peer-to-peer lending is a unique way for individuals to borrow money directly from other individuals. This type of lending can be beneficial for borrowers with bad credit who may have difficulty obtaining loans from traditional sources.

Through peer-to-peer lending platforms, borrowers can access funding for various purposes, such as personal loans or debt consolidation loans. Unlike traditional lenders, individual investors fund these loans, providing an alternative option for those in need.

Peer-to-peer lending offers the opportunity to improve your financial situation by accessing funding that may not be available through traditional channels.

Payday alternative loans

Payday alternative loans (PALs) are a helpful option for individuals with bad credit who need access to quick cash. These short-term loans are offered by federal credit unions at lower fees and interest rates compared to traditional payday loans.

The great thing about PALs is that they may not require a credit check, making them accessible even if you have a low credit score. Some PALs can even be accessed online, providing convenience and accessibility to borrowers in need of emergency funds.

So, if you’re looking for an alternative to high-interest payday loans and have bad credit, it’s worth exploring the options available through credit unions in your area that offer these types of loans.

Furniture loans for bad credit

Furniture loans for bad credit are a viable option if you’re looking to buy new furniture but have a less-than-perfect credit score. These loans can provide financing for essential household items such as sofas, beds, or dining sets.

What’s great about furniture loans is that they often come with low APRs starting at 6.99% and may not require any dealer fees. Unlike traditional unsecured loans, there isn’t a specific credit score requirement for furniture financing, making it accessible to individuals with bad credit.

Some lenders even offer guaranteed financing options for those struggling with their credit history. So, if you need new furniture but have bad credit, don’t worry—furniture loans can help you furnish your home without breaking the bank or compromising on quality.

Armed forces loans

armed forces loan

If you’re in the armed forces and have bad credit, there are personal loan options available to you. Lenders like Upgrade, Avant, and Wells Fargo offer loans tailored to the needs of military members, veterans, and career-retired individuals with bad credit.

Active-duty military personnel can also access personal loans through companies like Access Loans, even if they have poor or no credit history. These loans provide fast approval and can be a helpful solution for financial challenges faced by those serving in the armed forces.

Steps to Getting a Personal Loan for Bad Credit

Check your credit score to understand where you stand, compare lenders to find the best options available, pre-qualify for a loan to determine eligibility, add additional information to strengthen your application, and finally apply for a personal loan with bad credit.

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Check your credit score

Checking your credit score is a crucial first step when considering a personal loan with bad credit. Your credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness and lenders use it to assess the risk of lending you money.

By knowing your credit score, you can better understand what type of loans you may qualify for and what interest rates to expect. It’s important to note that checking your own credit score does not negatively impact it, so don’t hesitate to take this step.

Obtain a copy of your credit report from one or more of the three major credit bureaus – TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax – and review it carefully for any errors or discrepancies that could be affecting your score.

Compare lenders

Compare lenders

To find the best options for personal loans with bad credit, it is crucial to compare lenders. Some lenders specialize in offering loans to individuals with poor credit or no credit history.

Keep in mind that lenders charge higher interest rates for borrowers with bad credit. By comparing multiple lenders, you can find the one that accepts your credit score and offers reasonable terms.

Remember, guaranteed approval for personal loans with bad credit is not common, so researching and comparing different lenders is essential to ensure you get the best loan option available.

Pre-qualify for a loan

Pre-qualifying for a loan is the first step you should take when looking to obtain a loan with bad credit. This process allows lenders to evaluate your financial situation and determine if you meet their basic requirements.

By completing a pre-qualification application, you can get an idea of the loan amount you may qualify for and the interest rates that could apply. Keep in mind that pre-qualification does not guarantee approval, but it can help you narrow down your options and find lenders who are willing to work with borrowers with less-than-perfect credit.

Upstart Personal Loans is one lender that accepts credit scores as low as 600, giving you more opportunities to secure financing. With over 40 lenders offering bad credit loans, it’s worth exploring your options through the pre-qualification process before applying for a loan.

Add additional information to your application

Pre-qualify for a loan

Include any additional information that can strengthen your application for a personal loan. This could include providing proof of income, employment history, and references from previous lenders or landlords.

You may also want to explain any extenuating circumstances that have led to your bad credit score and what steps you are taking to improve it. The more information you provide, the better chance you have of convincing a lender to approve your loan.

Remember, some lenders offer guaranteed approval or instant approval for personal loans for bad credit, so make sure to take advantage of these opportunities if they are available.

Apply for a loan

To apply for a loan with bad credit, there are several steps you can follow to increase your chances of approval. First, check your credit score and review it for any errors or discrepancies.

Next, compare lenders to find the best rates and terms that suit your needs. Pre-qualifying for a loan will give you an idea of how much you may be able to borrow. Make sure to provide additional information on your application that showcases your ability to repay the loan.

Finally, submit your application and wait for a decision from the lender.

Remember, applying with a co-signer may be necessary if you have bad credit. Some lenders specialize in providing personal loans to individuals with poor or no credit history. Upstart Personal Loans is an example of a lender that accepts credit scores as low as 600.

How to Improve Your Chances of Getting a Personal Loan for Bad Credit

To improve your chances of getting a personal loan with bad credit, focus on improving your credit score, consider using a cosigner, and provide collateral or a down payment.

Work on improving your credit score

Improving your credit score is crucial when it comes to getting a personal loan with bad credit. Lenders closely analyze credit scores to determine your creditworthiness, and a low score can decrease your chances of approval.

To increase your likelihood of securing a loan, check your credit score and report regularly. By identifying areas for improvement, you can take steps to boost your score over time.

Paying bills on time, reducing debt, and keeping balances low on credit cards are effective strategies that positively impact your credit profile. Remember that applying for a personal loan may initially have a slight negative effect on your score due to the hard credit check, but making timely payments will contribute to improving it in the long run.

Consider using a cosigner

Having a cosigner can greatly increase your chances of getting approved for a personal loan, especially if you have bad credit. A cosigner is someone who agrees to take responsibility for the loan if you are unable to make payments.

This provides reassurance to lenders that they will still receive their money even if you default on the loan. It’s important to choose a trusted individual with good credit who understands the potential risks involved.

Keep in mind that being a cosigner can also impact their own ability to obtain future loans, so it’s essential to have open and honest communication with your cosigner throughout the borrowing process.

Provide collateral or a down payment

Some lenders may require you to provide collateral or a down payment when applying for a personal loan with bad credit. This is because offering collateral or down payment can help offset the risk that lenders take when approving loans for individuals with bad credit.

By providing something of value, such as property or savings, as collateral or making a significant down payment, you show the lender that you are committed to repaying the loan. Additionally, providing collateral or a down payment may also help you negotiate better interest rates or loan terms.

Keep in mind that the need for collateral or a down payment may vary depending on the lender’s requirements and your credit history. So be prepared to discuss this option with potential lenders to increase your chances of getting approved for a personal loan with bad credit.

Where to Get the Best Bad Credit Loan: Types of Bad Credit Loan Lenders

Where to Get the Best Bad Credit Loan a Personal Loan for Bad Credit

To find a personal loan with bad credit, you can turn to credit unions, online lenders, or other reputable institutions that offer loans specifically for borrowers with less-than-perfect credit.

Credit unions

Credit unions can be a good option for borrowers with bad credit who are looking for personal loans. Unlike big banks and online lenders, credit unions tend to have more lenient lending criteria.

They offer an alternative option for individuals with bad credit who may struggle to get approved by other lenders. What sets credit unions apart is their affordability and personalized customer service.

Local credit unions, in particular, often have better approval odds and rates for those with a less-than-perfect credit history. So if you’re looking for a personal loan but have bad credit, consider exploring the options available at your local credit union.

Online lenders

Online lenders offer a convenient and accessible option for borrowers with bad credit who are looking to obtain a personal loan. These lenders operate through websites or online platforms, allowing you to complete the entire loan application process from the comfort of your own home.

Many online lenders specialize in providing personal loans specifically for individuals with bad credit, so you have a higher chance of approval compared to traditional banks. Additionally, some online lenders have lower minimum credit score requirements than other lending institutions, making it easier for those with poor credit to qualify for a loan.

With their streamlined processes and quick turnaround times, online lenders can be an excellent choice for borrowers seeking a personal loan despite having bad credit.

Avoiding no-credit-check lenders

When you have bad credit, it may be tempting to turn to no-credit-check lenders for a personal loan. However, it’s important to avoid these types of lenders unless there are absolutely no other options available.

No-credit-check loans often come with extremely high-interest rates and fees, which can make it even more difficult for you to improve your financial situation. Instead, consider alternatives such as family loans, payment plans, credit union loans, or online lenders that specialize in working with borrowers who have less-than-perfect credit.

By exploring these options first and comparing different lenders and loan terms, you can find a personal loan that is more suitable for your needs while also avoiding the risks associated with no-credit-check lenders.

The Benefits of Getting a Personal Loan and Improving Your Financial Situation

Consolidate your debt, build a credit history, cover emergency expenses, finance major purchases, and improve financial stability with a personal loan for bad credit. Discover how this option can positively impact your finances.

Consolidating debt

Debt consolidation can be a helpful solution for borrowers looking to improve their financial situation. By consolidating your debt, you can merge multiple debts into one loan, resulting in a lower monthly payment.

This simplifies your finances by combining multiple credit card accounts or loans into a single payment. Debt consolidation also offers the benefit of lower interest rates, reducing the overall cost of your debt.

With a fixed repayment schedule, you can better plan and budget for your payments. Consider debt consolidation as an effective way to manage and pay off your debts more efficiently.

Building credit history

Building credit history is crucial for borrowers, as it allows them to qualify for the best financial products and achieve their goals. Consistently paying off personal loans can increase and maintain your credit score over time.

A more extended credit history demonstrates positive credit activity, which strengthens your credit profile. Without a credit history, it can be challenging to obtain loans, credit cards, or even rent an apartment.

Fortunately, personal loans provide an opportunity to build credit by making timely repayments. So take advantage of this option and start building your credit history today!

Emergency expenses

Personal loans can be a lifesaver when unexpected emergencies arise. Whether it’s a medical bill, car repair, or urgent home improvement project, emergency expenses can put a strain on your finances.

Thankfully, there are lenders who specialize in providing personal loans for individuals with bad credit. These loans can help you cover the costs and give you some breathing room during financially challenging times.

It’s important to research and compare different lenders to find the best options based on your needs and credit situation. Remember, during the COVID-19 pandemic, there may even be specific emergency loan options available for those with bad credit.

Emergency expenses can happen to anyone at any time, so it’s essential to have access to funds when you need them most. Personal loans designed for borrowers with bad credit offer a lifeline during these tough situations.

Financing major purchases

Personal loans can be a great option for financing major purchases. They offer flexibility and freedom in how you use the money. Whether you’re looking to buy a new car, invest in home renovations, or consolidate debt, a personal loan can provide the funds you need.

These loans are typically unsecured, meaning you don’t have to put up collateral like your house or car. With lower interest rates compared to credit cards and the ability to borrow larger sums of money, personal loans are an excellent choice for borrowers seeking financial assistance for their significant expenses.

Improving financial stability

Improving your financial stability is crucial for long-term success and peace of mind. One way to do this is by taking out a personal loan and using it responsibly. By making timely payments and managing your debt wisely, you can improve your credit score over time.

This will open up more opportunities for loans with better terms in the future. Additionally, consolidating high-interest debt into a single, lower-interest personal loan can help you save money on interest charges and make it easier to manage your monthly payments.

Taking steps to improve your financial stability now will set you on a path toward a stronger financial future.

Conclusion: How to Find the Best Personal Loan for Bad Credit

Improve your financial situation by taking steps to get a personal loan, even with bad credit. Start by checking your credit score and comparing lenders to find the best options for you.

Consider improving your credit or using a cosigner to increase your chances of approval. With a personal loan, you can consolidate debt, build credit history, and handle emergency expenses, ultimately improving your overall financial stability.

Take control of your finances today and explore the possibilities of getting a personal loan for bad credit.


A personal loan is a type of loan that is typically unsecured, meaning you do not need to provide collateral such as a car or house to secure the loan. It can be used for various purposes, such as consolidating debt, paying for medical expenses, or financing a big purchase.

A bad credit personal loan is a type of loan specifically designed for individuals with low credit scores. These loans usually have higher interest rates.

Your credit score plays a crucial role in determining whether lenders will approve your loan application. Lenders assess your creditworthiness based on your credit history, which includes factors such as your payment history, outstanding debts, and length of credit history. A higher credit score generally increases your chances of getting approved and may also result in more favorable loan terms.

A bad credit lender is an organization or individual that provides funds to low credit score borrowers in the form of loans. Lenders can be banks, credit unions, online lenders, or specialized lending institutions. They have specific criteria for approving loans and determine the interest rates and terms of repayment.

Yes, it is still possible to obtain a loan even if you have bad credit. Some lenders specialize in offering bad credit loans specifically for individuals with low credit scores. These loans may have higher interest rates and stricter terms, but they provide an opportunity to borrow money when traditional lenders may not approve your application.

A secured loan is a type of loan that requires collateral to secure the borrowed amount. Collateral can be an asset, such as a car or a home, which the lender can claim if you fail to repay the loan. Secured loans often have lower interest rates compared to unsecured loans because the collateral reduces the lender’s risk.

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